Pumicestone State School staff work hard to provide learning experiences that ensure that every day, in every classroom, every student is achieving. Teachers use curriculum documents to deliver a high level of classroom teaching and to strive for continual improvement in all students.
At Pumicestone State School our teaching and learning is delivered through evidence based, targeted strategies that are proven to engage and challenge our students. These strategies include; differentiated teaching and learning, feedback and goal setting, metacognitive strategies, explicit teaching and inquiry based learning.
What learning looks like for students at Pumicestone State School.
My teacher will explain to me:
what we are learning to do (WALT).
what he/she is looking for (WILF).
this is because - why this information is purposeful and relevant.
What I need to do is:
I do
My teacher will:
I will be:
We do
My teacher will:
require me to respond often.
show me examples and some non-examples.
check for my understanding.
I will be:
You do
My teacher will:
I will be:
Plough back
My teacher will:
I will be:
Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all young Australians to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. Presented as a developmental sequence of learning from Foundation - Year 10, the Australian Curriculum describes to teachers, parents, students and others in the wider community what is to be taught and the quality of learning expected of young people as they progress through school.
The three-dimensional design of the Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum recognises the importance of disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding alongside general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.