At Pumicestone State School we create rigorous, relevant and engaging curriculum through Integrated Units. Learning outcomes are mapped to the Australian Curriculum to ensure students and covering all learning areas for their year level. Integrated units allow students to develop a meaningful understanding of the topic across a range of learning areas to make their learning more relevant and real-world.
Our approach to curriculum integration is to:
Have an emphasis on backward planning from student needs/interests
Learn across a combination of subjects
Have a focus on relationships among concepts
Have an emphasis on projects/tasks
Ensure flexible scheduling/flexible student groupings
Use of authentic sources that go beyond textbooks
Learning through Integrated Units has many positive educational outcomes:
Increased understanding, retention, and application of general concepts.
Better overall comprehension of interconnected learning, along with the development of multiple perspectives and points of view, as well as values.
Increased ability to make decisions, think critically and creatively, and synthesize knowledge beyond the disciplines.
Enhanced ability to identify, assess, and transfer significant information needed for solving novel problems.
Promotion of cooperative learning and a better attitude toward oneself as a learner and as a meaningful member of a community.
Increased motivation