
Resource scheme


​​​​​Pumicestone State School offers a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) as an economical alternative for the provision of high-quality resources for their students. SRS is organised by the school, operates under the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training (DET), and is approved by the P&C Association.

The types of resources that will be included are:
• Owned by the student – e.g. Textbook – once provided, these items are retained by the student and used at their discretion.
• Used in class – e.g. stationery, material, workbooks – these items will be used in class. Finished products that are created from these resources will generally come home with the student.
The Fee $140.00​

f you are not satisfied that the SRS fee represents good value for money based on the inclusions (Below), you may choose not to participate in the SRS. If that is the case, please complete a new Participation Agreement Form, indicating that you no longer wish to participate. If you choose not to participate, you will be provided with a detailed list of resources that you will need to provide for the student.
We kindly request that all invoices be settled in their entirety by April 19, 2024.

Payment Arrangement Options:
  • A single payment for the full year’s fee
  • An instalment plan can be negotiated with the school. A form has been attached to this page.
Any unpaid invoices, will be managed according to the department’s Debt Management Procedure and may result in the student being excluded from the scheme and/or from participating in non-curricular activities until payment is made (​

What is provided by the Queensland Government?

The Queensland Government supports children’s education by providing funding for instruction (teachers), facilities (school grounds and buildings, internet), and administration (staff to run the school). Funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and many items used by the student in the classroom.​​​​​​​​​​​​

The SRS helps parents to source these resources. The school can purchase resources at lower rates due to its bulk buying power. Resources such as textbooks or musical instruments that will be used over a period of time are hired to students to further reduce costs for families. Participating in the SRS also offers a convenient way for parents to source the items that their child needs for school, and ensures that all students have access to the same standard of resources.​

Payment Method
SRS payments can be made by QParent/BPOINT, BPAY, EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card), Centrepay.
  • Payment may be made through the QParents portal using a credit card. Payment will be directed from the QParents portal to BPOINT where relevant outstanding invoice information may be selected.
  • When paying by BPOINT, please use the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and invoice number printed on the invoice received from the school. If unsure of the CRN, please contact the school.
  • Centrepay Deductions are available to pay the SRS fees. Use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers. Go to for more information on how to set up your Centrepay deductions.
Other Points to note:

  • The Student Resource Scheme is preferred because the scheme ensures your child receives exactly what they need at the time they need it.​Every child has the same items to use in class.
  • Replacement items are provided throughout the year. This means you no longer have the worry about your child’s ongoing requirements.
  • The scheme gives teachers the opportunity to determine exactly what students require as the units of work are planned at key times throughout the year.
  • Items are not handed out all at once although a significant number of items are provided at the beginning of the year or upon enrolment. Items are presented as required and replacement of items automatically occurs throughout the year. This means that it takes all year for your child’s full set of provisions to appear.
  • Students access class sets of expensive items such as dictionaries and atlases and as learning is better facilitated when every child can work from the same product that is the focus of the lesson.
  • At all times we remain accountable to you by reporting to the P&C so parents can see how funds are going and what the money is being spent on.
  • This scheme is exceptionally well supported and is valued by our community. Its success, however, depends on every parent paying.
  • Your payment supports your child’s learning. This initiative and the expenses are approved and supported by our Parents’ and Citizens’ Association and will be reviewed each year by the P&C and staff. Teachers are very strong advocates because they believe it really does greatly assist the learning process and enhance the way activities can be organised.
  • Please note:
  • Excursions, incursions, camps, Gala Days, swimming and instrumental music fees are not included in SRS;
  • Total costs for students enrolling in Terms 2, 3 or 4 will be charged on a pro-rata basis;
  • Refunds will be made for students who leave the school on a pro-rata basis.​

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding the SRS and its inclusions, please contact and arrange an appointment with the Business Manager via email:​

Financial Hardship

Parents experiencing financial hardship should contact the school to discuss available options in confidence. Please email

Last reviewed 25 July 2024
Last updated 25 July 2024